Study managers and permitting specialists use Truescape visualizations to accurately inform agencies and permitting authorities about complex mining projects as project approvals are sought.

Developing a mining project in today’s environment requires an extraordinary level of understanding, dialogue, and trust across numerous diverse audiences. Mining companies have the daunting task of navigating a regulatory environment that demands both engineering integrity and social acceptance.

Since 1995 mining companies developing new projects have had confidence in Truescape’s ability to translate complex mining designs into compelling digital visualizations, simulations and interactive presentations that inform and engage audiences as their projects progress through the project lifecycle.

This builds sustainable trust with host communities, indigenous groups, and the approval agencies that will ultimately award the project approvals.

Our Approval Visualizations:

  • Clearly articulate new mine operation plans in a way that enables project approvals
  • Explain impact assessments using accurate, fact based visual tools that can be defended in Court if required
  • Enhance trust and engagement by clearly explaining new mine operations to communities and landowners
  • Provides a platform to correct any misinformation circulated by opposition groups
Hudbay Minerals
404 Water Permit
US West Coast
Bylong Coal
Experience our interactive mining tool.Get started

Trusted by
industry leaders.

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At Truescape we know 'seeing is believing' and our work is a proven catalyst to the success of many complex and large capital growth projects.

We invite you to request a no obligation, personalized and industry specific demonstration of our capabilities that will inspire and equip you with the knowledge of the exponential possibilities our people and expertise can deliver in support of your goals and objectives.

  • Learn how project leaders are achieving more trust, inclusivity, and cooperation from communities, approval agencies and key stakeholders through a better understanding of their projects across all stages
  • Learn how our core processes simplify complex technical plans and data for greater understanding and engagement
  • Learn how our leading-edge digital visualizations are getting approvals in less time and investment
  • Experience our industry experience first hand and how we can support you and your project team to move projects forward.

We are not in the business of delivering a sales pitch, so don't expect one. The outcomes we achieve for our client partners speak for themselves.

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