Mine closure; preparation for the future

Mine closure is a dynamic process that considers environmental, economic, and social factors at the early stage of a mine development. With stricter regulatory authorities requiring more rigorous remediation plans, clients are under increasing pressure to minimise the potential environmental legacy and ensure correct rehabilitation practices are in place.

It is seen that a miner’s responsibility extends far beyond just it’s operations, to that of the local communities, stakeholders, traditional owners and indigenous peoples. With industry standard’s taking a more environmental approach to the ‘life of a mine’; community buy-in and clear articulation of complex strategies is a key focus.

How is Truescape supporting mine closure projects all over the globe?

We are a mix of engineering intelligence and creative thinking. We understand mining. With over 25 years of experience under our belt, we have the subject matter expertise and vision to bring clarity to every issue, ever story, every mine closure presentation.

By using innovative, visual tools, we’re able to translate your project complexities that seem incomprehensible to many, into dynamic, accurate, concise visual messaging that will be understood, without confusion and ambiguity. It’s our ‘collective genius’ as we like to call it. Where preparation and opportunity meet.

Our 3D visualizations and complex video presentations enable stakeholders, local communities, and regulatory authorities to gain confidence, understanding, and trust in the development strategies and capabilities. That’s why we’re passionate about what we do.

The result; a better, more informed, more efficient decision-making programme. Realising the full socio-economic value of investment in the development.

We are an internationally recognized, proven business partners that have worked with most of the worlds leading mining houses.

More than ever, we use our continued innovation, experience, and dynamic approach to re-presenting project complexities for the mining sector, as a catalyst for helping our clients achieve success.

See how we can help articulate your mine closure plans

If you have an opportunity you’d like to discuss, contact me today https://truescape.com/contact/


Request a demo

At Truescape we know 'seeing is believing' and our work is a proven catalyst to the success of many complex and large capital growth projects.

We invite you to request a no obligation, personalized and industry specific demonstration of our capabilities that will inspire and equip you with the knowledge of the exponential possibilities our people and expertise can deliver in support of your goals and objectives.

  • Learn how project leaders are achieving more trust, inclusivity, and cooperation from communities, approval agencies and key stakeholders through a better understanding of their projects across all stages
  • Learn how our core processes simplify complex technical plans and data for greater understanding and engagement
  • Learn how our leading-edge digital visualizations are getting approvals in less time and investment
  • Experience our industry experience first hand and how we can support you and your project team to move projects forward.

We are not in the business of delivering a sales pitch, so don't expect one. The outcomes we achieve for our client partners speak for themselves.

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