A pipeline that has been replaced is typically decommissioned, or safely removed from service and maintained in place to minimize disruptions to the environment, neighbors and existing pipelines. ExxonMobil Pipeline Company pipelines and facilities, whether active or inactive, are maintained in compliance with all applicable local, state, and federal regulations.

This video takes the viewer on a journey through the decommissioning process. This removes the requirement to explain the process using just the technical engineering drawings and industry jargon.

ExxonMobil Pipeline Company maintains a comprehensive public awareness program to communicate information about pipelines, construction techniques and pipeline safety. This video makes these technical concepts far easier to understand.


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  • Learn how project leaders are achieving more trust, inclusivity, and cooperation from communities, approval agencies and key stakeholders through a better understanding of their projects across all stages
  • Learn how our core processes simplify complex technical plans and data for greater understanding and engagement
  • Learn how our leading-edge digital visualizations are getting approvals in less time and investment
  • Experience our industry experience first hand and how we can support you and your project team to move projects forward.

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